6. Chengbiao Leng


Dr Chengbiao Leng, male, born in 1982 in Shandong Province, received his B.Sc. degree in Geology from Chang’an University, Xi’an, China, in 2005 and his Ph.D. degree in Economic Geology from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. From 2010 to 2018, he worked in the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2019, he moved to the East China University of Technology as a full professor. He was a visiting scholar at the CODES, University of Tasmania from Nov. 2012 to July. 2013. He has published more than 60 papers including 29 SCI papers (H-index = 15). The current research interest is concentrated on the formation and preservation of porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits.

Education and Work Experience

  • PhD in Economic Geology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Guiyang, China), January 2010.

  • BSc in Geology, Chang’an University (Xi’an, China), July 2005.

  • 1/2019-present, Professor, East China University of Technology (Nanchang, China)

  • 11/2012-7/2013, Visiting scholar, CODES, University of Tasmania (Hobart, Australia).

  • 1/2012-12/2018,Associate professor, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Guiyang, China).

  • 11/2009-12/2011, Assistant professor, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Guiyang, China).


  • Jiangxi "DUOBLE THOUSAND PLAN" Fellowship, 2019, Jiangxi Province, China

  • Young Jinggang Scholar Fellowship, 2018, Jiangxi Province, China

  • Youth Innovation Promotion Association Fellowship, 2018, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Outstanding PhD Student of Pollyanna Chu Fellowship, 2008, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • School Outstanding student leaders, 2005, Chang’an University

Research Interest

  • Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit

  • Tectonics, Magmatism and Metallogenesis of the Sanjiang Region

Professional Activities

  • Member of Society of Economic Geologist since 2012

  • Member of Chinese Society for Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry since 2011.

  • Member of Geochemistry Society since 2015.

  • Reviewer for Economic Geology, Gondwana Research, Lithos, Ore Geology Reviews, JAES, etc.


  1. Tian ZD, Leng CB*, Zhang XC. 2020. Provenance and tectonic setting of the Neoproterozoic meta-sedimentary rocks in SE Tibetan Plateau: Implications for tectonic affinity of the Yidun terrane. Precambrian Research, 344, 105736.

  2. Zafar T, Rehmand HU, Mahare MA, Alamf M, Oyebamijia A, Rehmanc SU,Leng CB. 2020. A critical review on petrogenetic, metallogenic and geodynamic implications of granitic rocks exposed in north and east China: New insights from apatite geochemistry. Journal of Geodynamics, 136, 101723.

  3. Qi YQ, Hu RZ, Gao JF,Leng CB, Gong HT, Gao W. 2020 Late Mesozoic oxidized magma for porphyry Ag mineralization: A comparative study from mineralized and barren granite porphyries in the Lengshuikeng Ag-(Pb-Zn) deposit, South China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 190: 104180.

  4. Guo JH, Leng CB*, Zhang XC, Zafar T, Chen WT, Tian ZD, Lai CK. 2020. Textural and chemical variations of magnetite from porphyry and skarn deposits in the Zhongdian region, northwestern Yunnan, SW China. Ore Geology reviews, 116, 103245.

  5. Tian ZD,Leng CB*, Zhang XC, Zhou LM, Tang YW. 2019. Recognition of Late Triassic Cu-Mo Mineralization in the Northern Yidun Arc (S.E. Tibetan Plateau): Implications for Regional Exploration. Minerals, 9, 765; doi:10.3390/min9120765.

  6. Tang YY, Bi XW, Zhou JX, Liang F, Qi YQ, Leng CB, Zhang XC, Zhang H. 2019. Rb-Sr isotopic age, S-Pb-Sr isotopic compositions and genesis of the ca. 200 Ma Yunluheba Pb-Zn deposit in NW Guizhou Province, SW China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 185, 104054

  7. Tian ZD, Leng CB*, Zhang XC, Zafar T, Zhang LJ, Hong W, Lai CK. 2019. Chemical composition, genesis and exploration implication of garnet from the Hongshan Cu-Mo skarn deposit, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews112103016.

  8. Zafar T, Leng CB*, Zhang XC, Rehman HU. 2019. Geochemical attributes of magmatic apatite in the Kukaazi granite from western Kunlun orogenic belt, NW China: Implications for granite petrogenesis and Pb-Zn (-Cu-W) mineralization. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 204256–269.

  9. Zhang W, Williams-Jones AE,Leng CB*, Zhang XC*, Chen WT, Qin CJ, Su WC. 2019. The origin of CH4-rich fluids in reduced porphyry-skarn Cu-Mo-Au systems. Ore Geology Reviews114,103135.

  10. Leng CB*, Wang W, Ye L, Zhang XC. 2019. Genesis of the late Ordovician Kukaazi Pb-Zn deposit in the western Kunlun orogen, NW China: New insights from in-situ trace elemental compositionsof base metal sulfides. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 184, 103995.

  11. Yang JH, Peng JT, Liu L, Leng CB.2019. Metal source and wolframite precipitation process at the Xihuashan tungsten deposit, South China: insights from mineralogy, fluid inclusion and stable isotope. Ore Geology Reviews, 111, 102965.

  12. Leng CB*, Cooke DR, Hou ZQ, Evans NJ, Zhang XC, Chen WT, Danišík M, McInnes BIA, Yang JH. 2018. Quantifying exhumation at the giant Pulang porphyry Cu-Au deposit using U-Pb-He dating. Economic Geology, 113, 1077–1092.

  13. Leng CB*, Gao JF, Chen WT, Zhang XC, Tian ZD, Guo JH. 2018. Platinum-group elements, zircon Hf-O isotopes, and mineralogical constraints on magmatic evolution of the Pulang porphyry Cu-Au system, SW China, Gondwana Research, v.62, 163–177

  14. Leng CB*, Wang YH, Zhang XC, Gao JF, Zhang W, Xu XY. 2018. Constraints of molybdenite Re–Os and scheelite Sm–Nd ages on mineralization time of the Kukaazi Pb–Zn–Cu–W deposit, Western Kunlun, NW China, Acta Geochimica, 37(1): 47-59.

  15. Zhang W, Leng CB*, Zhang XC, Su WC, Tang HF, Yan JH, Cao JL. 2016. Petrogenesis of the Seleteguole granitoids from Jinhe county in Xinjiang (West China): Implications for the tectonic transformation of Northwest Tianshan. Lithos, 256–257, 148-164.

  16. Leng CB*, Zhang XC, Huang ZL, Huang QY, Wang SX, Ma DY, Zhu ZQ,  Luo TY, Li C, Li WB, 2015. Geology, Re-Os ages, sulfur and lead isotopes of the Diyanqinamu porphyry Mo deposit, Inner Mongolia, NE China, Economic Geology110(2): 557-574.

  17. Zhang Y, Tang HS, Chen YJ, Leng CB, Zhao CH. 2015. Ore geology, fluid inclusion and isotope geochemistry of the Xunyang Hg–Sb orefield, Qinling Orogen, Central China. Geological Journal, 49, 463-481.

  18. Zhang X, Wang Y, Leng CB, Zhang W, XuL, Zhu J, Chen Y. 2015.Geology, Sulfur Isotopes and Scheelite Sm‐Nd Age of the Kukaazi Pb‐Zn‐(Cu‐W) Polymetallic Deposit, Yecheng County, Xinjiang, China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 88, 244-246.

  19. Leng CB*, Huang, QY, Zhang XC, Wang SX, Zhong, H, Hu RZ, Bi XW, Zhu JJ, Wang XS. 2014. Petrogenesis of the Late Triassic volcanic rocks in the southern Yidun arc, SW China: Constraints from the geochronology, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes. Lithos, 190-191363-382.

  20. Sun H, Huang Z, Li W, Leng CB, Ma D, Zhang X. 2014.Chronology, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope studies of Jurassic intrusions in the Diyanqinamu porphyry Mo mine, central Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 88, 85-97.

  21. Wang XS, Bi XW, Leng CB, Zhong H., Tang HF, Chen YW, Yin GH, Huang DZ, Zhou MF. 2014. Geochronology and geochemistry of Late Cretaceous igneous intrusions and Mo–Cu–(W) mineralization in the southern Yidun Arc, SW China: Implications for metallogenesis and geodynamic setting. Ore Geology Reviews, 61, 73-95.

  22. Wang XS, Hu RZ, Bi XW, Leng CB, Pan LC, Zhu JJ, Chen YW. 2014. Petrogenesis of Late Cretaceous I-type granites in the southern Yidun Terrane: New constraints on the Late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Lithos, 208–209, 202-219.

  23. Leng CB*, Zhang XC*, Zhong H, Hu RZ, Zhou WD, Du AD, Qu WJ. 2013. Re–Os molybdenite ages and zircon Hf isotopes of the Gangjiang porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in the Tibetan Orogen. Mineralium Deposita, 48: 585-602.

  24. Leng CB*, Zhang XC*, Hu RZ, Wang SX, Zhong H, Wang WQ, Bi XW. 2012. Zircon U-Pb and molybdenite Re-Os Geochronology and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic constraints on the genesis of the Xuejiping porphyry copper deposit in Zhongdian, Northwest Yunnan, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 60: 31-48, 2012.