7. Zenghua Li


Dr Zenghua Li is currently working as Professor in School of Earth Sciences, East China University of Technology. He was awarded the title of the Young Jinggang Scholar of Jiangxi Province in 2018. He graduated from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and received his bachelor and master degrees in Resources Exploration, respectively in 2005 and 2008. He obtained his PhD in Geology from University of Regina, Canada in 2016, and he continued his postdoctoral fellowship there until 2018. During his PhD and postdoc stay, he focused his research on the theory and exploration of unconformity-type uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin in Canada. He has published more than 10 journal papers, with some of them published in Economic Geology, Mineralium Deposita and Ore Geology Reviews. His research interests mainly are hydrodynamics and chemical modelling in uranium deposits. His current work is to study the formation of various types of uranium deposits in China, including volcanic-related, granite-related and sandstone-type.


(1) Guo, F., Li, Z.*, Deng, T., Qu, M., Zhou, W., Huang, Q., Shang, P., Zhang, C. and Yan, Z., 2020. Key factors controlling volcanic-related uranium mineralization in the Xiangshan Basin, Jiangxi Province, South China: A review. Ore Geology Reviews, 122: 103517.

(2)Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Eldursi, K., David, Q., and Ledru, P., 2018. Numerical simulation of strain localization related to formation of the Sue unconformity-related uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, 101: 17-31. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.07.004.

(3) Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Eldursi, K., Thomas, D., David, Q., and Ledru, P., 2018. Synchronous egress and ingress fluid flow related to compressional reactivation of basement faults: the Phoenix and Gryphon uranium deposits, southeastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, 53 (2): 277–292. doi: 10.1007/s00126-017-0737-5.

(4) Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Thomas, D., and Zaluski, G., 2017. Structural controls on fluid flow during compressional reactivation of basement faults: insights from numerical modelling for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. Economic Geology, 112 (2): 451–466. doi: 10.2113/econgeo.112.2.451.

(5) Li, Z., Chi, G., and Bethune, K.M., 2016. The effects of basement faults on thermal convection and implications for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. Geofluids, 16(4):729–751. doi: 10.1111/gfl.12180.

(6) Li, Z., Bethune, K.M., Chi, G., Bosman, S.A., and Card, C.D., 2015. Topographic features of the sub-Athabasca Group unconformity surface in the southeastern Athabasca Basin and their relationship to uranium ore deposits. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 52(10): 903–920. doi: 10.1139/cjes-2015-0048.