






Email: 201760065@ecut.edu.cn; hhp0910@sina.com










1. 国家自然科学基金,雅鲁藏布江中游日喀则约居段古堰塞湖重建研究。

2. 江西省教育厅科技基金泽当宽谷古堰塞湖相阶地的沉积序列研究

3. 东华理工大学研究生教改项目基于创新文化定力的地学研究生多维能力培养探索与实践

4. 东华理工大学博士科研启动基金林芝地区风尘沉积及其地貌和环境指示意义



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,藏东南大峡谷地区黄土-古土壤-红粘土沉积序列研究。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,碳酸盐岩化学风化过程中Sm-Nd分异研究。

3. 东华理工大学教改项目,新加坡大设计观工程教育模式对我校工科专业的启示与借鉴--以旅游地学与规划工程专业方向为例。



Hai-Ping Hu; Jin-Liang Feng; Feng Chen. Sedimentary records of a palaeo-lake in the middle Yarlung Tsangpo: Implications for terrace genesis and outburst flooding. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 192: 135~148


Hai-Ping Hu; Jin-Liang Feng; Feng Chen. δ18O and δ13C in the fossil shells Radix sp. from the sediment succession of a dammed palaeo-lake in the Yarlung Tsangpo valley, Tibet. Boreas, 2017, 27: 412~427.


Feng Chen; Jin-Liang Feng; Hai-Ping Hu; Ping Wang. Mid-Holocene palaeohydrochemistry and palaeohydrology of Yamdrok Yumtso, southern Tibetan Plateau, reconstructed from δ18O and δ13C of fossil shells of the gastropod Radix auricularia. The Holocene, 2020.


郭福生, 陈留勤, 严兆彬, 刘富军, 潘志新, 张炜强, 胡海平. 丹霞地貌定义、分类及丹霞作用研究. 地质学报, 2020, 2: 361~374.


Jin-Liang Feng; Feng Chen; Hai-Ping Hu. Isotopic study of the source and cycle of sulfur in the Yamdrok Tso basin, Southern Tibet, China. Applied Geochemistry, 2017, 85: 61~72.


陈锋, 冯金良, 田立德, 胡海平. 纳木错高湖面时期的溢流: 基于萝卜螺壳体氧同位素及地貌证据. 第四季研究, 2017, 37(2): 271~280.


Feng Chen; Jin-Liang Feng; Hai-Ping Hu. Relationship between the shell geochemistry of the modern aquatic gastropod Radix and water chemistry of lakes of the Tibetan Plateau. Hydrobiologia, 2016, 771(1): 239~254.


Feng Chen; Jin-Liang Feng; Hai-Ping Hu. Potential forcing mechanisms of Holocene lake-level changes at Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau: Inferred from the stable isotopic composition of shells of the gastropod Radix. Hydrobiologia, 2016, 771(1): 239~254.


Jin-Liang Feng; Hai-Ping Hu; Feng Chen. An eolian deposit-buried soil sequence in an alpine soil on the northern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for climate change and carbon sequestration. Geoderma, 2015, 266: 14~24.


Jin-Liang Feng; Zhen-Hong Zhao; Feng Chen; Hai-Ping Hu. Rare earth elements in sinters from the geothermal waters (hot springs) on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,