Introduction to the Major and major courses

1. Introduction to the Major

The Major of Geotourism and its Planning Engineering (MGPE) is a new major, established at East China University of Technology to meet the need of social development. This new engineering major is an integration of geology with tourism management, urban and rural planning and other disciplines. In 2017, it began to recruit undergraduates attached to the Major of Natural Geography and Environmental Resources. In 2019, the MGPE was officially approved  by the Ministry of Education and listed in the Undergraduate Major Catalogue of Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education (2020 edition), with the major code: 081405T. The graduates will be awarded a bachelor degree in engineering after Four-year study (Higher Education Letter [2020] No.2). So far, the MGPE is the first undergraduate major in geotourism or tourism geosciences in China.

Depending on the master's degree authorization points of the first level disciplines including Geological Resources and Geological Engineering, Geology, Geography, Urban and Rural Planning, and Public Management, this new major holds an integrated training system for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. This major has an excellent teaching team including 7 professors, 6 associate professors and 12 lecturers with Ph.D. Especially, some of these teachers have presided and completed a series of national, provincial and ministerial projects, and have established research teams on evolution of geographical environment, resource utilization, and a natural reserve research institute. The MGPE provides undergraduates not only campus-based practices within the Basic Geotourism Laboratory and the Comprehensive Geotourism  Laboratory, but also a large number of field-based practices within Jiangxi Longhushan Global Geopark, Lushan National Park - A World Heritage Cite, Sanqingshan World Natural Heritage, Jinggangshan Red Revolutionary Base and Meiling National Forest Park, Guangdong Danxiashan Global Geopark (5A Tourist Attractions), the Historical and Cultural City of Hangzhou and Jiangshan Natural Geological Museum in Zhejiang Province, etc. Additionally, the major has a series of research platforms such as Institute of Geomorphic, Landscape and Tourism Development, Institute of Land Planning and Design, Jiangxi Provincial Geotourism Research Center, and the Geotourism Professional Committee.

2. Cultivation objectives

The Major of Geotourism and its Planning Engineering (MGPE) is aimed at cultivating talents with high social morality, professional ethics and solid professional knowledge and skills in geoscience, tourism management, planning and design. Students in this major will master the theoretical knowledge and methods of geotourism resources investigation and evaluation, and the skills and capacity of the tourism management and planning design in order to become the compound engineering and technical personnel. They may hence be engaged in the teaching and scientific research of the basic geosciences and tourism managements, development and protection of geological relics, investigation and evaluation of geotourism resources, geopark planning and development, tourism planning and design, tourism management and so on.

The young talents graduated from this major will be able to play an active tole in the geotourism resources, investigation, evaluation, planning, development, management and tour guide within  in scenic areas, geoparks, natural heritage sites, national parks, departments of natural resources and tourism,,etc. They are able to meet the needs of and serve for the local economic development, tourism development and implementation of the ecological civilization construction development strategy

3. Major Courses

Professional Theoretic Courses: Fundamental Geology, Geomorphology, Basics of Tour Guide, Human Geography, Tourism Management, Principles of Geotourism, Survey and Evaluation of Geotouristic Resources, Geotourism Planning and Design, Science of Geoparks, Environment and Heritage Commentary, Design of Tourist Attractions, Landscape Sketching, Tourism Marketing and Planning, Natural Resources, Appreciation of Geological Landscape, Innovative Education for Geotourism, Principles of Nature Reserves, and Fundamental Geography  

Professional Practices: Practice on Geological and Geomorphological Cognition, Comprehensive Practice on Geotourism, Simulation on Tour Guide, Practice on Geotourism Resource Survey and Evaluation, Practice on Geotourism Planning and Design

Professional Theoretic Courses

3.1 Fundamental Geology

This course is offered in the first semester, with three credits (each credit has 16 class hours, 45 minutes per class hour). Fundamental Geology covers the basic knowledge, theory and application of geology, mainly including the basic characteristics of the Earth, identification of minerals and rocks, analysis of geological structure, the brief geohistory of the crustal evolution, and the application of geology in resources and environment. Through the study of this course, students will master the basic theory of Geology and its establishment processes, which will lay a foundation for their professional courses learning and future career.

3.2 Fundamental Geography

This course is offered in the first semester, with three credits. The course introduces the basic theories, concepts and research methods of both sectorial and special geography. This course will help students: 1) understand the research objects, subject nature, significance and value of geography, its developing history, and its basic knowledge and methodology of research; and 2) Grasp the characteristics of natural geographical elements and humanities in the regional system of human-land interaction, especially, to clarify the mutual relationship, coordinated symbiosis and harmonious development between the two. The course is expected to lay a foundation of geography for students to improve their comprehensive professional quality.

3.3 Geomorphology

The course is offered in the second semester, with three credits. Geomorphology includes the basic knowledges, theories and research methods of geomorphology. Its content mainly covers the basic theories of geomorphology, the morphological characteristics, the formation mechanism, distribution law and evolution trend of various types of geomorphic types, and the aesthetic characteristics and values of landscapes. It enables students to have a solid knowledge system for identification of the major landform types, discovering the values of landscapes, and laying the foundation for the subsequent studies of the professional courses and future work.

3.4 China Danxia Landform

The course is offered in the second semester, with two credits. China Danxia Landform is a global natural heritage and composed of Chishui in Guizhou, Taining in Fujian, Langshan in Hunan, Danxiashan in Guangdong, Longhushan in Jiangxi, and Jianglangshan in Zhejiang situated in different Davis Geomorphological Evolution stages. This course mainly includes the geological basis, morphological characteristics, formation mechanism, tourism development of Danxia landform, and its relationship with traditional Chinese culture. The theoretical studies of this course will complemented with the field practices in geology and geomorphology in Danxia Landform areas.

3.5 Landscape Sketching

This course is offered in the second semester, with two credits. The aims of this course are to help students better understand the principles and formation processes of some common landscapes, and to encourage use of appropriate skills to describe the scenery in field from a geoscientific perspective. This course will improve their spatial imagination ability and facilitate to find solutions for spatially complex geometric problems. The contents of the course include basic sketching techniques and their applications in describing landform, geological structures, and geological specimens such as rocks, minerals and fossils. In addition, a primary architectural sketching will be also taught in the course.

3.6 Basics of Tour Guide

This course is offered in the third semester, with two credits. Basics of Tour Guide includes the basic theory and practical operations of the tour guide. Its content mainly covers the theoretical system of tour guide science; the normative process of tour guide service and creation of guidebook; the four major professional skills including tour guide service language, group tour, explanation and quick reaction; the necessary knowledge about the etiquette, safety and other related common sense of tour guide service. The course is also aimed to enable students to adapt to the development requirements of modern tourism enterprises, with the corresponding tourism knowledge and skills, to lay the foundation for acquiring the tour guide qualification certificates and for learning the successive professional courses and their future work.

3.7 The Principles of Geotourism

The course is offered in the third semester, with two credits. The Principles of Geotourism includes basic theories, basic knowledge and research methods of geotourism. It mainly covers the conceptual system and development history of geotourism, the classification system of geotourism resources, its spatiotemporal background, geological environment, geological process, geographic characteristics, evaluation system, development principle, regional planning, environmental protection and other knowledge systems. It will enable students to get a basic understanding of the basic knowledge system and main learning content of the tourism geoscience, and lay a foundation for the follow-up professional courses’ study and future career.

3.8 Principles of Nature Conservation

This course is offered in the fourth semester, with two credits. The contents of this Course include the basic knowledge, construction, policy, planning and practice related to the nature conservation. The objectives of this course are: 1) to show students the definitions, features, relevant laws and regulations, technical specifications and management of nature conservation and geopark; 2) to be familiar with their history, status and trends; and 3) to help students understand the principles and skills of the infrastructure, zoning, ecotourism and community management of nature conservation. This course provides a theoretical foundation for the planning and design of nature conservation.

3.9 Human Geography

The course is offered in the fourth semester, with two credits. Human Geography includes the basic theories, knowledge and technical methods of human geography. Based on the theory of human-land relations, it explores the geographical distribution, spread and change of various human phenomena, and the formation and development of the regional structure of human social activities. The course will enable students to initially understand the characteristics of various social, political, economic and cultural phenomena and their relationship with the geographical environment, and lay an excellent foundation for deep understanding and development of human-land relationship and cultivation of humanistic spirit of students.

3.10 Geotourism Planning and Design

This course is offered in the fifth semester, with two credits. Geotourism Planning and Design focused on the basic theories, knowledge and technical approaches of geotourism planning and design, and covers the domains such as tourism, economy, resources, environment, urban planning and architecture, etc. This course will enable students to grasp certain theoretical knowledge and strong practically operational skills in the fields of geotourism planning, and to lay a foundation for the subsequent professional courses’ study and future career.

3.11 Environmental and Heritage Commentary

This course is offered in the fifth semester, with two credits. Environmental and Heritage Commentary includes basic theories, basic knowledge and technical methods of environmental and heritage interpretation by integrating knowledge transfer in education, management and information technology. This subject mainly covers the theoretical methods and structural systems of the interpretation systematic planning and design, the presentation methods, target and tasks, content and design requirements of the scenic commentary, and the related knowledge of signage design and production and its maintenance techniques. This course is to enable students to master the theoretical knowledge and operational methods of environmental and heritage interpretation, and lay a foundation for the in-depth characteristic interpretation and planning and the successive professional courses and their future work.

3.12 Natural Resources

This course is offered in the fifth semester, with two credits. Natural Resources comprises the basic knowledge, the development processes and subject characteristics of natural resources, and their formation and distribution, investigation and statistic approaches, and the establishment of the related information systems. The principles and analytical methods of natural resources associated with sociology, economics and ecology will be also covered. According to the abundance, spatial distribution and storage characteristics of natural resources, the methods of comprehensive evaluation and planning of natural resources are to be discussed, and the evolution processes of natural resources development modes analyzed. A discussion on the principles of sustainable development and the potential pathway of sustainable,utilization of natural resources is to be conducted. All these will help students lay a foundation for their further consolidating their theoretical knowledge and skills in geotourism, resources and environment management.

3.13 Innovative Education for Geotourism

This course is offered in the fifth semester, with two credits. This course emphasizes the comprehensive application of the essential theories, concepts and research methods of geotourism. It will improve the capability of students in investigation, evaluation, planning, exploitation and management of geotourism resources by various approaches and products including thesis, animations, models, investigation reports, project scheme, videos, extracurricular matches, etc. This course is aimed at providing a theoretical foundation for students on geotourism survey and evaluation as well as geopark planning.

3.14 Tourism Management

This course is offered in the sixth semester, with two credits. Tourism Management is to combine the principle of management with the practices of tourism, and to comprehensively and systematically introduce the basic theories, contents and methods of tourism management. It involves various aspects of management of the tourism industry and estates. This course will help students develop a general understanding of tourism management and lay a foundation for their further studies of other professional knowledge.

3.15 Survey and Evaluation of Geotourism Resources

This course is offered in the sixth semester, with six credits, which focused on the identification of the geotourism resources, field investigation and capacity building for such resource assessment. From basic knowledge learning, preparation work, and field survey to indoor evaluation, the emphasis will be put on the description of the identification methods of various types of geotourism resources and the techniques for field investigation. The course will be equipped with corresponding experimental classes and practice links and pay attention to the capacity development of students' teamwork skills, field research capabilities, and resource identification skills to lay a foundation for the subsequent professional courses studies and future work.

3.16 Science of Geoparks

The course is offered in the sixth semester, with three credits. Science of Geoparks provides the basic theories, basic knowledge and research methods of geoparks. It mainly covers the development history and concept system of geoparks, the classification system and formation mechanism of geological relics, the declaration process, technical specifications and the planning scheme of geoparks, relevant knowledge with protection measures. These will enable students to master the knowledge of geoparks’ planning and construction, to solve problems in scientific research and practice, and lay a foundation for the follow-up professional courses and future work.

3.17 Design of Tourist Attractions

This course is offered in the sixth semester, with two credits. Design of Tourist Attractions encompasses the basic theories, knowledge and technical methods of the design of tourist attractions, which mainly covers the principles for designing tourist attractions, working procedures, theme positioning, image design, product design, recreation service design, landscape design, ecological environmental protection and other related knowledge. This will enable students to seize the basic knowledge and gain the ability for touristic scenic design, which can lay a foundation for the studies of the subsequent professional courses and their future work.

3.18 Tourism Marketing and Planning

This course is offered in the seventh semester, with two credits. Tourism Marketing and Planning takes the basic theory of tourism marketing as the main line. It integrates tourism marketing planning activities with theory of tourism marketing. The main contents include the environmental analysis of the tourism market, analysis of tourist behavior, subdivision of tourism market, selection of target market, tourism marketing strategies, and marketing planning of the tourist attractions. Through studies of this course, students will be able to understand the basic theory of tourism marketing and the scientific operation procedures of tourism marketing. It will lay a good professional foundation for students to be engaged in tourism marketing, business planning and scenic management.

3.19 Appreciation of Geological Landscapes

This course is offered in the seventh semester, with two credits. The purposes of this course is to encourage use of historical, literary, architectural as well as aesthetic theories and skills to explore the values of geological landscapes and their formation, and to reveal the geological background of the aesthetic factors and its positive effects on our physical and psychological health. This course will improve their abilities of aesthetic appreciation of geological landscapes and provide a theoretical foundation for geotourism survey and evaluation as well as geopark planning.

Professional Practices:

3.20 Practice on Geological and Geomorphological Cognition

The course is offered in the second semester, with two credits. This practical course includes the basic theory, basic knowledge and practical skills of Geology and Geomorphology. It mainly covers the recognition of common mineral and geological landform phenomena, the formation mechanism and principle of geological and geomorphological phenomena, the measurement of the stratigraphic occurrence, the description and record during geological and geomorphological field survey, the methods and skills of geological and geomorphological investigation, etc. This course is to enable students to acquire intuitive understanding of geological and geomorphological phenomena, to solve problems in research and practice, and to lay a foundation for following study and professional work.

3.21 Practice on Geotourism Resource Survey and Evaluation

This 8-week practice involves learning the basic theories and skills of geology, geomorphology, investigation and evaluation of geotourism resources, programming and planning of scenic areas. The contents can be divided into three parts: regional geological investigation, survey and evaluation of the geoheritages, and planning of the tourist attractions. This course will improve the students’ ability in field observation and description, geological mapping, investigation of regional geology, distribution, formation and evaluation of geological relics, landscape design and tourism planning.

3.22 Practice on Simulation of Tour Guide

This practice includes the preparation of tour guide skills including image creation, journey talent development, quick adaptability, and operation procedures as a tour guide, in combination with realistic training through simulative tour guide against the natural and human landscapes. This course is offered in the third semester. The training content covers tour guide learning, tour guide image shaping, preparation of talent show, ability of adaptability, tour guide operating procedures, basics of national and local tour guide. This practice will provide students an intuitive sense of the procedures of tour guide, deepen their understanding of the explanatory labels of the scenic area, and improve their practical ability.

3.23 Practice on Geotourism Planning and Design
This course is offered in the fifth semester. The practice includes basic knowledge and practical skills in two modules of geotourism planning and design. It mainly covers the practical aspects related to the classification, investigation and evaluation of geotourism resources, tourism market analysis and planning, creative design of geotourism planning and product development. This practice will help students apply the basic theories and methods of geotourism planning and design in real cases, so as to improve their comprehensive practical ability.